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extra channel是什么意思 extra channel的用法例句

extra channel(意思翻译)


extra channel(相似词语短语)

1、can channel───can通道

2、extra charges───额外费用;附加费;附加费用

3、sanskrit channel───梵语通道

4、Va extra───Va额外

5、weather channel───天气频道

6、furring channel───副龙骨(用来支撑造型、固定结构的一种建筑材料);轻钢龙骨(用来支撑造型、固定结构的一种建筑材料)

7、dummies channel───傻瓜频道



extra channel(双语使用场景)

1、It is modified in order to provide an extra channel for the pitch servo.───这是修改,以提供额外的渠道,让足球场伺服。

2、Even if extra channel space is available --- it is usually not enough for the very wide bandwidths of HDTV.───即使有额外的信道空间---一般也不够大带宽的HDTV使用。

3、Clinical observation of the treatment from extra-channel and collaterals for sciatic nerve and common peroneal nerve injury───从奇经络脉治疗创伤性坐骨神经、腓总神经损伤临床观察

4、Comparison of loci following nuclear tracing through channel-point and extra-channel tissue───经穴与经外组织胆经核素示踪轨迹的比较

5、They can communicate directly with one another across a single network, without the need for extra channel definitions, remote-queue definitions, or transmission queues.───它们直接通过单个网络彼此进行通信,而无需额外的通道定义、远程队列定义或传输通道。

6、On-demand cable channel Exercise TV allows you to get fit with only a laptop and some extra floor space.───按需点播有线电视频道 Exercise TV让你只要有台笔记本电脑和一块空地就可以进行健身。

7、Purists might argue that it costs CPU and channel resources to perform the extra GETPAGEs, and they would be right.───纯粹主义者可能认为,它会占用 CPU 和通道资源来执行额外的 GETPAGE,他们可能是对的。

extra channel(相关推荐)

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