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grocery store是什么意思 grocery store的用法例句

grocery store(意思翻译)


grocery store(相似词语短语)

1、grocery bill───杂货帐单

2、grocery shopping───生活必需品的购买,杂货店购物

3、grocery outlet───杂货店


5、green grocery───蔬菜水果店

6、gooseberries grocery───醋栗杂货店

7、grocery store───超级市场;杂货店

8、grocery store lines───杂货店排队

9、chantries grocery───尚特里斯杂货店

grocery store(双语使用场景)

1、They just care about how much money they can earn, or which grocery store has the cheaper eggs.───他们只关心自己能挣多少钱,或哪家商店的鸡蛋卖得最便宜之类的事。

2、Before you head out for your weekly grocery store trip, think ahead for the next week of some meals you might like to have.───当你出门去为下一周进行采购的时候,首先想一下在下一周你可能会做哪些饭菜。

3、I started taking my DD out for little outings, just the two of us, even if it was just to run to the grocery store.───为了让我的孩子喜欢上我,我会带他出去玩,就我们俩人,即便我只是去趟副食店我也带着她。

4、grocery store is closed.───杂货店关门了。

5、In a story line that mirrors Buffett's, Sokol grew up in Omaha, Neb. , delivered newspapers as a child and worked at a small grocery store.───索科尔的成长故事同巴菲特类似:在内布拉斯加州的奥马哈 (Omaha)长大。孩童时代曾帮人送过报纸,也曾在一家小杂货店帮工。

6、In July 2007, he took what he thought would be a temporary job for $10 an hour as a baker in a grocery store.───2007年7月,他在一家杂货店当面包师,一个钟点挣10美元,作为一份临时的工作。

7、They run a small grocery store.───他们经营一家小食品杂货店。

8、I bought it at the grocery store.───我在食品杂货店买的。

9、Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug.───今天,在结束72小时的XiaoFangDui轮班,一个女士在杂货店里朝我走过来,给了我一个拥抱。

grocery store(相关推荐)

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