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money stand是什么意思 money stand的用法例句

money stand(意思翻译)


money stand(相似词语短语)

1、stand it───坚持住



4、e stand───e站

5、money money───钱钱

6、table stand───桌面支架

7、money money money───钱钱钱

8、last stand───2029星球女子监狱(电影名);[电影]2029星球女子监狱

9、umbrella stand───n.伞架

money stand(双语使用场景)

1、Look, we shouldn't let money stand in our way of friendship.───我说我们不应该让钱伤害我们的友谊。

2、Indeed, whether or not any money actually changes hands, those record prices still stand, inflating the whole market.───事实上,无论是否真正成交,创纪录的价格依然有效,将整个市场吹大了。

3、We spent a lot of money on that stand and we'll send the brochures immediately.───我们订那个展位花了很多钱的,宣传册会立刻送过去的。

4、At the Spring Festival night twelve o'clock, people eat dumplings with money, stand for safe.───在春节的那天晚上十二点,人们聚在一起吃饺子,并领压岁钱,定岁。

5、Money and efficiency are the values by which we stand, not law, truth or health.───金钱和“效率”是我们所持的立场,而不是法律,真理或者健康。

money stand(相关推荐)

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