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editorial policy是什么意思 editorial policy的用法例句

editorial policy(意思翻译)


editorial policy(相似词语短语)

1、editorial definition───编辑定义


3、editorial article───社论文章

4、editorial page───社论专页

5、editorial example───编辑示例

6、editorial department───编辑部

7、newspaper editorial───报纸社论

8、editorial design───编辑设计

9、editorial vida───编辑视频

editorial policy(双语使用场景)

1、An editorial position with a publishing company; an editorial policy prohibiting the use of unnamed sources.───出版公司中一个编辑职位;禁止使用未署名的资料的编辑政策。

2、misuse and re-use of western blot bands violated the editorial policy of Journal of Cell Science, and so we must retract this article.───论文滥用和重复使用他们发表的其他论文中的蛋白 免疫印迹图片,违背了《细胞科学期刊》的编辑政策,必须撤销。

3、"He was not interested in editorial policy, or even the news, " Mr Faison told the FT. "He was focused on the business possibilities. "───“他对编辑方针、甚至对新闻都不感兴趣,”斐觉世向英国《金融时报》表示,“他关注的是商业潜力。”

4、We are not about to change our editorial policy.───我们不打算改变我们的社论方针。

5、The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect al Jazeera's editorial policy.───本文所表达的观点仅限作者本人,并不代表半岛电视台编辑观点。

6、A small team of volunteers can establish an editorial policy, perhaps in collaboration with a local community newspaper.───一小部分志愿者可以建立编辑策略,可以考虑与当地的社区报纸合作。

7、First, the newspaper editor of newspaper editorial policy makers, the overall image of the newspaper designer.───第一,报纸编辑是报纸编辑方针的制定者,是报纸整体形象的设计师。

8、Editorial Policy Objective: To walk through the basic set of editorial standards and learn how to create ad text that complies.───编辑政策目标:浏览基本编辑标准集,了解如何创作符合标准的广告文字。

9、The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.───文章表达作者个人观点,不一定反映半岛电视台的编辑立场。

editorial policy(英语使用场景)

1、Until 1946 editorial policy was a Government responsibility.

2、I'm not the sort of newspaper owner who meddles with editorial policy.

3、I trust that the Times editorial policy under Parks will begin with the business-side difficulties kept down to a dull roar.

4、We are not about to change our editorial policy.

5、The new editorial policy complicates the process of producing authorised versions, but it does not substantially change it.

6、The company is expected to keep the paper's moderate pro-Unionist editorial policy.

7、The paper follows an editorial policy that puts great emphasis on foreign news.

8、Each of these has a different editorial policy and, to a lesser or greater degree, a political bias.

9、This would give him control of editorial policy.

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