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s sport是什么意思 s sport的用法例句

s sport(意思翻译)


s sport(相似词语短语)

1、fox sport───福克斯体育


3、sport shoes───[体]运动鞋

4、hot sport───热门运动

5、fencing sport───击剑运动

6、pure sport───纯粹的运动

7、ansa sport───陷阱运动

8、racket sport───球拍运动

9、latitude sport───纬度运动

s sport(双语使用场景)

1、condition of competitive aerobics athletes' s sport injury in college is wide spread. The injury rate is 89.23%;───高校竞技健美Cao运动员运动损伤的情况较为普遍,伤病率达89.23%;

2、Bhutan s national sport is archery, and competitions are held regularly in most villages.───不丹的民族运动是箭术,几乎在所有农村都会定期举行竞赛。

3、She was also named to the World Golf Hall of Fame and the Women's Sport Foundation Hall of Fame.───她的名字还进入了世界高尔夫名人堂和妇女体育基金会名人堂。

4、The SRX's six-speed automatic's sport mode holds whichever gear you choose, and it changes the Sachs shocks' damping, as well.───SRX六速自动档的运动模式可运用任何档位,它还改变了萨克斯减震阻尼。

5、China women 's sport has enjoyed conspicuous achievements in international competition, which has caught the whole world' s attention.───中国女子竞技体育在国际竞争中,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,引起了世人的关注。

6、Parents should not get hot under the collar during the children's sport events.───父母不要为了孩子的运动比赛而动怒。

7、"Here has been a sweet hour's sport! " said the withered crone, chuckling to herself.───“这一个钟头真叫人快活!”干瘪的婆子说,吃吃的笑了开去。

8、However, professionalization in today's sport attaches too much commercial profits in which to win is the only goal.───但事实上,当今运动竞技的职业化,运动本身被攀附太多的商业利益。

9、Female soccer will never reach these heights in terms of attention and support, it's a man's sport, and it's the biggest sport in the world.───无可厚非,这项世界上最伟大的运动是属于男人的运动,女子足球不可能得到如此高的关注。

s sport(英语使用场景)

1、The Who, What, How, and Why Book of the Skydiver?s Sport, Avocation, and Lifestyle.

s sport(相关推荐)

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