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break contact是什么意思 break contact的用法例句

break contact(意思翻译)


break contact(相似词语短语)

1、no contact───没有联系;没有接触

2、personal contact───身体接触;私下交往;人际关系

3、contact nsles───联系nsles

4、break───v.打破;(人或动物)骨折;擦破(皮肤);违犯;弄坏;(机器)失灵;打断(连续性);(天气)突变;(新闻)突然传开;终止;n.间断;休息;短假;缺口;破裂;进攻;骨折;结束;机会; (Si Nuo)一次连续得分;蓓蕾

5、emergency contact───紧急联络人


7、bifurcated contact───分支触点; 分支接触体; 双叉触点HuangPian; 双叉接插件

8、intimate contact───亲密接触;密切接触

9、contact with───与…联系;与…有交往[联系]

break contact(双语使用场景)

1、one of them stops talking with you because you are not willing to break contact with the other person.───其中一个因为你不愿意跟另一个断绝来往而不理你了。

2、Seeing two of your best friends breaking up. And then one of them stops talking with you because you are not willing to break contact with the other person.───看着你最好的两个朋友闹掰了。其中一个因为你不愿意跟另一个断绝来往而不理你了。

3、The spillway would allow them to break contact with their pursuers-then he could get back to his mission.───溢洪道能让陆战队们甩掉追兵——然后他就能继续执行自己的任务了。

break contact(英语使用场景)

1、Three things can be demonstrated to trainees here: How to break contact gracefully.

2、How to use negotiating skills to avoid the need to break contact.

break contact(相关推荐)

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