1、carried away───带走;非常激动;使…失去自制力;带走; 非常激动; 使…失去自制力
2、get carried away───得意忘形;失去理智
3、be carried away───激动;入迷;激动,入迷; 忘形; 为之神往; 神往
5、get away───离开;逃脱;出发;离开,脱身; 逃掉; 抽身; 拔身
6、carried away quilting───被子被子
7、get carried away with───忘乎所以
8、Get by───通过; 设法; 继续存在; 过得去,尚可;v.通过;过得去;过活;获得认可
9、carried away quilting blog───心醉神迷的被子博客
1、Let yourself get carried away by the delectable girls appearing in Pierre Woodman's latest thriller.───让自己在皮埃尔带走樵夫的最新惊悚片出现了美味的女孩。
2、The Oracle of Mumbai says: Never get carried away by aberrations.───孟买的神谕说:永远不要被畸变冲昏了头脑。
3、The media made a meal of it for days, speculating about whether Clinton was about to crack up or get carried away by her hormones.───媒体接连数日对此进行了连篇累牍的报道,纷纷猜测雌性荷尔蒙是否会导致希拉里就此败北。
4、Don't get carried away by the coming deal to raise the nation's debt limit and start reducing the nation's budget.───不要为即将达成的旨在提高美国债务并开始缩减政府财政预算的协议得意忘形而失去理智。
5、Too often American leaders get carried away by emotions or politics without a decent sense of what they're getting the nation into.───美国LingDaoRen常常让情感或政治冲昏头脑,没有充分意识到他们正把国家引领到何处。
6、Normal people may get carried away by words. Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better, though they cannot understand words.───正常人有时会被言语牵着走,尽管听不懂语言,但失语症患者能更好的理解人类的表情。
7、Now I had to rein in my ego and remember not to get carried away by all the praise and positive press.───现在我却必须控制我的自负,牢记不要因为所有这些赞美和媒体的肯定性报道而飘飘然。
8、And secondly, that most people in soccer -- pundits, fans and players -- get carried away by goals.───第二,足球领域的大多数人——评论员,球迷和球员——注意力常局限于进球。
9、The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.───经理警告年轻的球员不要沉醉于现在的情感中而忘乎所以。
1、The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.