1、working───adj.有工作的;从事普通工作的;工作上的;可行的;初步的;基本够用的;能运转的;(机器部件)Cao作的;n. (Xi Tong)运作;工作,干活;矿,作业区;班次;Cao纵;计算过程;v.工作;影响;受雇于;使卖力干活;争取(work的现在分词);n.(Working)(美)沃金(人名)
1、The key part of sensor made of forking fiber beam and metal revolving rod with temperature self-compensation is specially designed.───利用分叉光纤束和特殊设计的金属温度自补偿旋转杆件作为传感器的核心元件。
2、People in the rich world are used to forking out for those of their fellow citizens who have incurable conditions.───在这些发达国家,人们习惯于给予身患绝症的公民资金救助。
3、You can experience forking right from the comfort of your private command line.───您可以在自己的命令行,很方便地体验分叉Cao作。
4、However, should the specifications become standard, we could all be looking at forking out to replace our present Blu-ray players.───不管怎样,假如这些规格最终成为标准,我们将不得不掏腰包重新购置蓝光播放机。
5、Molly and I are now involved in paying for our daughter's college education, which means forking over almost $50, 000 a year.───现在,我和莫莉一起供女儿上大学,她的学费每年近5万美元。
6、After the forking process, the address space of the child process is overwritten with the new process data.───程序分叉后,子程序的DiZhi空间将被新程序的数据所覆盖。
7、garden of forking paths.───小径分岔的花园。
8、Zhang and her colleagues often need to confront patients to get payment, or risk forking out for unpaid bills out of their pockets.───张翡及同事经常要处理病患的付款问题,或是承担要自掏腰包清偿那些未付帐款的风险。
9、Garden of Forking Paths was the chaotic novel itself. ───小径分岔的花园就是那部杂乱无章的小说;
1、Go up to the fork and turn left.
2、We use a fork to eat food.
3、We eat with knife and fork.
4、Don't clatter your knives and forks.
5、Though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return.
6、Their paths diverged at the fork in the road.
7、I have a set of stainless knives and forks.
8、I had to fork out for a cab home.
9、I prefer to use a knife and fork.