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age of discover是什么意思 age of discover的用法例句

age of discover(意思翻译)


age of discover(相似词语短语)


2、of age───成年,够岁数了

3、age of aquarius───宝瓶宫时段(预示世界和平与和谐); 水瓶JiYuan;大同时代;和平自由天下大同的太空时代

4、age of consent───合法年龄;承诺年龄(指可以结婚或进行性行为,而不触犯法律的最低年龄);n.同意年龄,承诺年龄(可发生性关系的法定年龄)

5、age of ultra───超人时代

6、to discover───发现

7、discover card───发现卡(美国的一种信用卡)

8、age of calamity───灾难年代

9、comes of age───达到法定年龄

age of discover(双语使用场景)

1、The mind can discover only when it is young, fresh, innocent; but innocence is not a matter of age.───头脑只有当它年轻、新鲜而又纯真的时候,才有可能发现真实,而纯真与年龄无关。

2、One reader of last week's column wrote that at age 61 she was surprised to discover the pleasure to be gleaned from adding an at-home activity to her already active life.───一位61岁的女读者看了上周专栏的文章后告诉我,她万分惊讶的发现,虽然她的生活原本就很丰富多彩,但是增添了家庭活动也会收获意想不到的快乐。

3、She went home to her parents, who were horrified to discover their daughter was an alcoholic at the age of 24.───她回到她的父母身边,他们吃惊地发现他们的24岁的女儿已是个酒鬼。

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