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hamper是什么意思 hamper的用法例句





1、clothes hamper───衣服篮

2、wicker laundry hamper───柳条洗衣篮


1、Control the technology. The more advanced we get with telephone technology, the more we seem to hamper the quality of our connections.───技术控制我们的通话设备越高级,通话的质量就越可以掌控。

2、He tossed his damp towel into the laundry hamper.───他把湿毛巾抛入洗衣篮里。

3、By the afternoon I had used up all my shot, and, being hungry I sat down and opened a small portable hamper that I carried with me.───到下午的时候,我已经用尽了所有的ZiDan,并且饥饿难当,我坐下来,打开自带的一个小型的便携野餐篮。

4、On a societal level, one could even imagine that a lack of conversational flow may hamper the integration of immigrants who have not completely mastered the language of their new country yet.───在社会层面上,人们甚至可以想象,缺乏交流可能会阻碍尚未完全掌握新国家语言的移民们融入社会。

5、Seoul believes accepting such a line would endanger fishing around five South Korean islands and hamper access to its port at Incheon.───韩国当局则相信,接受北方的界线会危及南方五座岛屿周围的渔业作业并且会妨碍通往自己仁川港的航道安全。

6、Since all the processing plants are in urban areas, removing the tariff would seriously hamper the government's effort to reduce urban unemployment over the next five years.───由于所有的加工厂都在城市地区,取消关税将严重阻碍政府在未来五年内降低城市失业率的努力。

7、The Orcs believe that the thirst for possessing filthy lucre will do nothing but hamper them in fighting bravely.───兽人们相信对不义之财的贪念只会妨碍他们勇敢地战斗。

8、You can leveling the ground to determine the main thing is to work out laying of the floor, the door will hamper the switch.───您可以通过地面找平的方法来确定,最主要的是计算出地板铺设后,是否会妨碍门的开关。

9、Some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office.───有些人担心这次特别的选举,会对下届总统推行政务造成不利的影响。


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