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public safety是什么意思 public safety的用法例句

public safety(意思翻译)


public safety(相似词语短语)

1、parr public safety───公共安全


3、safety island───n.安全岛

4、keep safety───注意安全

5、safety tip───安全提示

6、public place───[法] 公共场所


8、pintail safety───针尾安全

9、safety factor───n.安全系数

public safety(双语使用场景)

1、A recent report makes several recommendations, including the abolition of most post-conviction penalties, except for those specifically needed to protect public safety.───最近的一份报告提出了几项建议,包括除了那些为了保护公共安全而特别需要的刑罚,废止大多数定罪后刑罚。

2、The technology, in my opinion, could have applications in such fields as military, medicine and public safety.───在我看来,这项技术可以应用于军事、医药和公共安全等领域。

3、While some of these gases are radioactive, they did not pose a significant risk to public safety to even the workers on site.───当一些这些气体是放射性的,他们不构成重大风险,甚至公共安全,工人们在现场工作。

4、Enact a moratorium on all new regulations for the next three years, with an exception for national security and public safety.───颁令禁止未来三年里所有新法规的发布,除非涉及GuoJiaAnQuan和公众安全。

5、FBI, local fire bomb squad and the Ohio State University, Department of Public Safety officials are investigating the matter.───美国联邦调查局、当地火警ZhaDan小组以及俄亥俄州立大学公共安全部门官员正在就此事进行调查。

6、Michael Larsen, public-safety director of the neighborhood council, said the situation was "out of control. "───公共安全主任迈克·拉森表示,情况已经变得“不可控制”了。

7、Game stocks were the motive, rather than public safety.───当时动机出于游戏储备,而非公共安全。

8、Travelers encountered blowing and drifting snow, driven by wind gusts up to 35 mph. , the Department of Public Safety said in an advisory.───公共安全部门发出通报说,旅客遇到了时速高达35英里的强风刮来的飞雪。

9、Texas Department of Public Safety said the accident took place in Abilene is located approximately 80 kilometers southwest of Highway 83.───得克萨斯州公共安全部说,车祸发生在位于阿比林西南大约80公里处的83号公路。

public safety(英语使用场景)

1、Prop. 197 backers hope the public safety issue will help win passage of the measure.

2、Growing concern for public safety and improvements in the quality of construction should continue to stimulate demand for construction and building inspectors.

3、But police argue that public safety is a greater concern.

4、Public safety and security are matters of paramount importance.

5、And the state Department of Public Safety has little jurisdiction to keep the diesels ensconced within their border habitat.

6、In public safety, we also reward failure: when the crime rate rises, we give the police more money.

7、The state Department of Public Safety is working with the counties to come up with damage estimates.

8、Critics say the system risks public safety because it does not allow the various agencies to talk to one another during crises.

9、Five of the Commission of Public Safety sat behind the raised desk.

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