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subvert是什么意思 subvert的用法例句




1、subvert cliches───颠覆陈词滥调

2、subvert synonym───颠覆同义词

3、subvert definition───颠覆定义

4、subvert it───颠覆它


1、Latest evidence of subtle interactions between earthquakes may subvert this assumption, however.───然而,关于地震之间微妙的相互作用的最新证据可能颠覆这一假设。

2、Mr Hu was convicted of trying to subvert state power, after taking up the causes of AIDS patients and the environment.───胡先生从事AiZi病人事业与保护环境后,被以“煽动颠覆政权罪”逮捕入狱。

3、Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the police have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people.───卡梅伦,默多克帝国和JingCha都被卷入了企图PoHuai英国人民民ZhuQuan利的腐败事件之中。

4、The Venezuelan government has also ejected a pair of US diplomats on suspicion of trying to subvert the government.───委内瑞拉政府宣布驱逐两名美国外交官,原因是这两人涉嫌在委内瑞拉政府中制造混乱。

5、In such a culture, the power of poetry to subvert is immense, and in Mr. Thien's hands, it would be deemed a dangerous weapon.───在这样的文化中,诗歌的颠覆力量是巨大的,而在阮志天的手中,诗歌将被视为一件危险的武器。

6、But the elite wants to subvert it.───但国家的精英人士想要毁灭这些成就。

7、This was badly received by other countries, which accused the White House of trying to subvert the UN.───但其它国家对此反响不佳,纷纷谴责白宫试图给LianHeGuo捣乱。

8、Others believe it will subvert relations within the family; cynics dubbed it the Sue Your Son law.───另外一些人认为这会PoHuai家庭关系;愤世嫉俗者称之为 “起诉你儿子” 的法律。

9、He said the speeches reflect a philosophy that could subvert "the mainstream concept of judging. "───他说发言可以反映出一个可能颠覆“审判的主流观念”的思想体系。


1、The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government.


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