1、developmental milestones───发育标志(developmentalmilestone的复数);发展里程碑
2、developmental cell───发育细胞
3、developmental disorder───发展失常
4、developmental disabilities───[医]发育性残疾人
5、developmental toys───发育玩具
6、developmental domains───发展领域
7、developmental disability───发育性残疾;发展性能力丧失;n.发展性能力丧失; 发展性障碍,发展障碍; [医]发育性病废:18岁以前发生、并将无限期延续下去的一种确切的缺陷,精神发育迟缓、孤独癖(当发现其与精神发育迟缓密切有关并需采取类似治疗时)、大脑性麻痹、癫痫或其他ShenJingBing所致
9、developmental biology───[生物]发育生物学;[生物]发生生物学,[生物]发展生物学
1、Historically we have split programs into developmental test and operational test as two distinct events.───自历史过程上来讲,我们可以把项目分成研发试飞喉冉杜衷飞两个不同的事件。
2、I am here to fly developmental test and to look at the F-22 from an operational perspective.───我在这里从事研发试飞工作并从作战的角度看待F-22。
3、In the US Air Force, developmental test pilots tend to be graduates of USAF Test Pilot School at Edwards AFB , California.───在美国空军,研究试飞的飞行员大都毕业于加利福尼亚州爱德华兹空军基地的美国空军试飞员学校。
4、Krumm: Developmental test takes an airplane or a system in its infancy and makes sure it works and meets its basic specifications.───克拉姆:研制试飞是要让一架飞机或者说是一个XiTong诞生出来并且保证它能够运作、满足其各项设计指标。
5、Developmental test makes sure a system satisfies its contract requirements.───研制试飞的目标是保证一个XiTong能够达到它的合同需求。
6、lot of pilots are qualified to fly developmental test but they might not have the Weapons School credential that allows Air Combat Command to trust their opinions more easily.───许多飞行员可以飞研发试飞,但他们可能没有武器学校的文凭来使空战司令部更轻松地认可他们的选择。
7、Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception───佛罗斯特视觉发展测验