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dead gods是什么意思 dead gods的用法例句

dead gods(意思翻译)


dead gods(相似词语短语)

1、tin gods───自命不凡的人

2、polynesian gods───波利尼西亚诸神

3、worshiping gods───敬神



6、aramean gods───亚兰神

7、gods plan───神的计划

8、brahmanic gods───婆罗门诸神

9、caribs gods───加勒比诸神

dead gods(双语使用场景)

1、Ancient gods and long-dead heroes had walked the land, and a nation of dreamers had been tormented by strange nightmares and waking frenzies.───古老的神明和长逝的英雄又出现在这片土地上,所有的梦者都受到了奇异噩梦的困扰,在疯狂中醒来。

2、Statues were created not for their decorative effect but to play a primary role in the cults of the gods, the king, and the dead.───不是为了装饰效果而创作了这些雕像,而是为了它们能在祭祀神灵、国王和逝者这一方面发挥主要作用。

3、Book of the Dead was an illustrated guide to this landscape, as well as a survival kit of spells to repel dangers and get the gods on your side.───死亡之书既是一本带插图的地理指南,同时又是求生工具,用它可以对抗XieE,祈求众神与你同在。

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