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concordia是什么意思 concordia的用法例句


n. (Concordia)(美)肯考迪娅(人名)


1、costa concordia───科斯塔康科迪亚


1、Eventually the church's pastor, Timothy Shoup, sent images of it to researchers at Concordia Seminary Library in St. Louis, who have now identified it.───教堂的牧师蒂莫西·苏泊把这本书的图像发给圣·路易士的肯考迪亚神学院图书馆的研究人员,他们现已确认了这本书的来历。

2、Concordia had villages speaking the Western European and Scandinavian languages, as well as Chinese and Japanese.───康科迪亚语言夏令营里有说各种西欧和斯堪的纳维亚语言的村子,也有说汉语和日语的村子。

3、or for a more natural setting, try the Concordia Eco-tents on St. John for $130 a night.───要想住在更富有大自然气息的地方,那就试一下圣约翰岛的肯考迪娅伊科田酒店,130美元一晚。

4、A team of researchers from Concordia University has developed an effective new technique to determine the authorship of anonymous emails.───来自Concordia大学的一个研究小组研究出一种技术,能够有效的鉴别出匿名邮件的作者。

5、Carsten Wrosch from Concordia University in Montreal and Gregory Miller of the University of British Columbia studied depression in teenage girls.───蒙特利尔市肯考迪亚大学的Carsten Wrosch和英属哥伦比亚大学的Gregory Miller研究少女的抑郁。

6、team of researchers from Concordia University has developed an effective new technique to determine the authorship of anonymous emails.───来自Concordia大学的一个研究小组研究出一种技术,能够有效的鉴别出匿名邮件的作者。

7、Brazilian Air Force plane spotted the rafts from the Concordia floating about 300 miles off the coast of Rio de Janeiro three hours later.───三小时后,一架巴西空军飞机发现了从肯考迪娅号放下的救生艇在离里约热内卢海岸大约300公里以外的海面漂浮。

8、In Singapore, Concordia recently shut its office, while Tantallon Capital has scaled back with the closure of a small-cap fund.───在新加坡,Concordia近期关闭了办事处,而随着关闭一只小型股基金,TantallonCapital也缩减了业务。

9、How stable are cruise ships like the Costa Concordia?───“科斯塔-康科迪亚”号这种游轮到底有多稳固?


1、Each Concordia is completely independent and has its own president, faculty, and board of regents.

2、The Orchestral; Gala will be performed by artists from Concordia Foundation, of which the Lady Mayoress is an Honorary Patron.

3、Concordia is a name steeped in the seaworthy tradition of sailing yachts.


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